Tips for Interviewing

Posted On July 31, 2022

By Betsy Thayer

Interviews can be stressful.  Here are some things to remember that will help your chances.

  1. Be early, but not too early.  5-10 minutes is perfect.
  2. Wear a suit.
  3. Turn your phone OFF.
  4. Do not give a limp handshake.  Make eye contact.
  5. Do your research on the company and have good questions prepared in advance.
  6. Know what you bring to the table.  Be able to explain how hiring you will benefit the company.
  7. Do not bad mouth a previous employer or co-worker.
  8. Do bring copies of your resume.
  9. Be confident.
  10. Don’t regurgitate your resume.  They have this information already.  Use specific examples of success stories to answer questions.
  11. Don’t lie.
  12. Be aware of what information you have on social networks.  Pictures of you on Facebook doing a keg stand will most likely eliminate you from the candidate pool.
  13. At the end ask if they have any concerns about your resume. This is a great time to find out if there are any misunderstandings and a great barometer of how things went.
  14. Send a thank you note after the interview.  If you don’t have email addresses hand write and mail a thank you.
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